Susan Raisanen, co-author with David Fagan in Zero to Hero.

Susan Raisanen, co-author of Zero to Hero

Profit Finder Pro Software’s President, Susan Raisanen, is a co-author of Zero to Hero, an Amazon book that was released today! This book was authored by David Fagan, and  is a collection of other business people as well who have shared special tips for sure business success. Zero to Hero is available in paperback or Kindle version on Amazon.

 Susan’s Chapter is titled, “Want Big Results? Follow the Numbers.”  In there she gives some specific examples of people who have tracked various parts of their sales and marketing in order to improve, thus paving the way for greater sales and a better year. It works the same way as it does for athletes. Think of it; they know every number that means anything to their scores. Why wouldn’t we, as business owners, know the numbers that affect our score, our bottom line?

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