If You Want to Grow Your Business, You Need Some Magnificent Lead, Sales & Marketing Tracking Numbers.

Lead, Sales & Marketing TrackingThe Purpose of a CRM is To Make You Shine & Your Company Profitable! It is a proven fact that lead, sales and marketing tracking will increase revenues. Afterall, how can you manage something if you cannot measure it?

In this video, Randy describes some of the reason behind the development of Profit Pro CRM (previously known and referred to in the video as By The Numbers). He is a lifetime entrepreneur and seasoned business owner who has grown, managed and sold several businesses. Tracking marketing was one of the biggest things that kept him awake at night. He was spending hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, and needed to make absolutely sure that his companies were getting what they needed and expected from each advertising venue in order to make it worth it for them to continue with that advertising and their salespeople.

Video Text:

Hi Folks,

My name is Randy Raisanen. As you can see, I have quite a bit of gray hair on my head, and some of that gray hair has come from marketing, advertising and things like that.

I’ve been involved in business career all my life, basically small entrepreneurial startup-type businesses. I started my first business when I was 19 years old, and I think that business is really fun. But one of the things I found kind of aggravating in business was advertising. What works, what doesn’t work? It’s really, really tough to tell.

Even some of the large companies…I’ve read often that Coca-Cola says 50% of their advertising works. The problem is they just don’t know exactly which 50% works. For a small business, it’s really even much tougher, because small businesses typically are busy doing things other than tracking.

Tracking is really, really important because…just think about it for a moment. Anything that you really want to get a result to, you track. Whether it’s weight loss, how many pounds are you losing? Whether it’s a golf game, what’s your score? Are you improving on your score? Are you doing better this year, month or week? Balancing your checkbook. Balancing your company checkbook? All of these kinds of things involve tracking. Most people know that, understand that, and do it as a matter of course.

What they don’t track, typically, is advertising costs, marketing costs, closing ratios…these kinds of things. For most small business people, if they track anything they’ll track closing ratios. It’s pretty easy.  

You give somebody ten leads, they sell five, they have a fifty percent closing ratio. Quite often they’ll think that is their top salesperson.

Unfortunately, although it is a very important figure and a very important thing to track, it can also be very misleading.

A quick example: You give somebody ten leads, it costs $500 a lead, $5000 total in leads, and he sells five sales. He brings in $2000 jobs. You have 5 sales x  $2000 =  $10,000 in sales. You spent $5000 in leads. 50% Cost of Sale Acquisition.

That’s before you’ve done anything other than just list that sale.

On the other hand, you could have a salesman who maybe has a 20-25% closing ratio. But you might be giving him hundred dollar leads, and he might bring in $10,000 sales. So again, if you do the math, you can see the person who has the 25% closing ratio is quite a bit more cost effective to the company than the person who is at a 50% closing ratio.

You can use these. You can use these tools for buying advertising, you can use these numbers or facts for training your salespeople, for up selling, all of these different kinds of typical business interactions when you’re talking about sales, marketing and advertising.

Over the years, we’ve figured out that this is very, very important. Typically, years ago, we started tracking these things with pencil and paper. We could track, and we could tell you at the end of the month, which salespeople were the most cost effective as far as sales acquisition goes. Who has the lowest sales acquisition? Which venues of advertising work the best? Which ones work, but not really that well, because the average job size is too low? All of these kinds of things. Well, now in putting this all together and tracking it with lead pencil, lots of lead pencils, and lots of time, we came up with a modality and a method that now in more recent years we’ve changed to computerized. It’s all computerized, so now instead of waiting until the end of the month to see how the sales force is doing, to see how that new advertising campaign is working out, to see how that mailer that you just did is working, we have it where you can just press a button on a keyboard, and BOOM! There it comes. You can tell which salespeople are selling which type of leads, what is the average size of their jobs or sales or product sales being made and brought in. All of that is just right there; it has never been so easy.

Now, it was not easy getting here. As I said, first it was years and years and years of doing it by pencil, and then it was hours and hours and many peoples’ efforts putting it together so it could be computerized. But now we have it.

We have it being used in a variety of companies, and a wide range of companies. In so doing that, there are many small business people that are now starting to figure out that, ‘Hey, doing this tracking is very important.’

How do we do the tracking?  We do it with a software program called By The Numbers [renamed Profit Pro CRM]. First of all, it’s a CRM, and I won’t spend much time talking about the CRM because the CRM is pretty typical, pretty generic. There are a lot of good CRMs out there, and By The Numbers has a good CRM front end. But CRM is kind of the portion of the software package that we really don’t spend much time talking about because basically when the lead comes in, or the sales call comes in or whatever it is, it’s entered. The customer contact data is entered, but then it starts getting interesting, because then you start entering things like:  Where did the lead actually come from? Where did the call originate? What salesman is getting it? When the salesman brings in a sale? What is the size of that sale? Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Now it’s all there to be reviewed at any time, very quickly. It’s real time. You can check it anywhere, anytime. Just go to the keyboard, punch a couple numbers and there it pops up.

You can see what salesman is doing what, how they compare to the rest of the sales force, how this store is doing compared to another store, all of that kind of thing.

So, if you have a sales force or a sales outlet, if you are spending any kind of money on advertising, and you want to track what’s working, what’s not working, how is one working as compared to either another person or another sales outlet, or any of those kinds of important business decisions, you really need to go to Profit Finder Pro Software. Profit Pro CRM has it all in there. It’s hosted on the internet, so it’s accessible from anywhere that you can connect to an internet. You do not have to be at your own office, at your own desk. You can have multiple users accessing at the same time, and I can go on and on and on. As you can see, I really believe in this. I do. What more can I say? I really do believe in it; it is dynamite.

I would suggest that you go to our website and register for a FREE Lead, Sales and Marketing webinar. I really think you should take this FREE advice and turn it into something that will make your life much simpler, much more pleasant and much more profitable!

Thanks, Folks!

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