Need Help Setting Up Systems?
for Business Owners Wanting to Scale ProfitablyProfit Finder Pro offers an online course for business owners who want to set up their systems in order to grow profitably or position themselves for sale.
National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) – Build a Better Business
Proven SuccessThe Numbers Don’t Lie
This Lead, Sales and Marketing Tracking CRM has proven to increase Sales and decrease Marketing Cost percentages through simple tracking mechanisms! We are eager to show you how we can help you stop the bleeding in your company and tap into metrics that will catapult your results. Contact us now to schedule your demo.
Increase in Sales from 2.5 million to 12.5 million in 23 months.
Radio Advertising Sales Acquisition Cost going from 35% to 4%.
TestimonialA Profit Finder Pro Customer Review
“I decreased my marketing by $100,000 and increased sales by $400,000 in only 13 months just by using some of the analytics to change around where I was spending money. That’s $500,000 net in 13 months.”
What We Do BestSoftware Features
know your ROI on Sales & Marketing in an instant
With this system it is easy for each person to keep an eye on the pulse of their area of business at all times. Business owners and managers love it when they have easy access to what is going on in all departments.
Nurture a Prospect to a Customer
How much money do you think you’re losing in possible sales because someone contacted you, but you never got back to them? It’s easy to keep touching back with those who have expressed an interest in your services. No longer do you call once and then forget about them if they did not answer.
Decrease the Sales Cycle
Create a path to faster sales through effective management of sales team and its customers.
Increase Closing Ratios
What we focus on, we improve. Watch your sales team as they work through the system to increase their closing ratios.
Decrease advertising cost percentages
If you’re not tracking the effectiveness of your marketing, you are losing money. This system allows you to laser focus on marketing that drains you or builds you.
Remove Gut Feelings
(It’s no longer a mystery how the sales team or advertising venues are performing!)
Increase Efficiency of Your Production Team
Our customers have cut the delivery of their services dramatically by setting timelines and expectations for their Production Teams.
Customer Relations
With this system, customers are top of mind during the entire Sales and Production Processes, but it doesn’t end there! Once you have served your customers well, the ways you are reminded to reach out after the sale is where the real magic with your customers happens.
About UsProfit Finder Pro Leadership

Susan Raisanen
Lead, Sales and Marketing Analysis CRM, Bestseller Author
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NARI Partners with Susan Raisanen and Profit Finder Pro for Exclusive “Build a Better Business” Course for Remodeling Business Owners
NARI and Profit Finder Pro's Susan Raisanen Transforming Remodeling Businesses Across the Nation The National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) has joined forces with Susan Raisanen from Profit Finder Pro to bring a transformative learning experience to...

Track It to Crack ItThe Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your Company's Full Profit Potential
A guide to sales lead and marketing tracking in business to increase profits - an explanation of the crm analytics necessary in small business. Every business owner, marketing leader, or sales executive must know that marketing is measuring, and as Peter Drucker would say, "What gets measured gets improved." Real businesses spend money on sales, marketing, advertising, and manpower to be profitable. Really great businesses track all of these things, knowing where their time and resources are best spent. If you are lucky your new business might be succeeding despite not following these laws of the business universe, but luck runs out eventually. If you don't want to rely on luck and you want to invest in what works, you must track it to crack it. Susan Raisanen, an executive with a knack for the numbers, is about to show you just that. Pay attention closely because she has a track record for magnifying profits for people. This once school teacher and principal turned entrepreneur and software executive is guaranteed to make complex things simple in this book. Even if you started tracking half your business, you might double your profits! See the numbers other business owners have followed and taken action on in order to raise their sales and marketing profits by hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars in relatively short periods of time. If you are a person who likes to take notes, the paperback book is recommended instead of the Kindle version, because there are sections at the end of each chapter to answer questions and write notes for your own business.
Track It to Crack It Reviews
"Puts a lot of good thought into what should a fundamental element in any business. Nicely written, I thought a book about tracking would be boring, but it is exciting. It shows the possibilities tracking can have."
Soral K --Amazon
"Excellent book. It explains in very straight forward, easy to understand language what numbers a business owner must look at and why. It also gives very specific actionable items that you can do to make sure you are not only looking at the right numbers, but you are looking at the right numbers correctly. This is an excellent guide and a wake-up call to any business owner that is struggling with the question of how to track and predict a steady flow of profitable sales. Quick easy reading, that is well worth the time."
Rich Rose --Amazon
"I like this book and learning about Susan through her stories was great. She has been tracking business numbers since she was a little kid. I knew I needed to get a better handle on what numbers should I track in my businesses, how to track them and then how to use that information or data to improve the business. Susan does a good job of explaining all three. I also learned about Salesperson Effectiveness which was interesting. The book also walks through examples which I found helpful. She also works the business numbers forwards and backwards so you can figure out how many leads a week you would need to meet your sales goals. I would recommend the book as it s an easy read of what can sometimes be a difficult subject numbers!"
Blaine Oelkers --Amazon
"5.0 out of 5 stars I can't recommend this book highly enough I have started implementing some of the common-sense practices advocated in this book. It has increased my productivity, efficiency, and made budgeting much easier. If you run a business, I can't recommend this book highly enough."
Billy --Amazon
February 7, 2017
Format: Paperback
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Scottsdale, AZ 85260