By the Numbers is thrilled to announce the launch of our mobile site!
As handy as the internet connection through laptop and desktop computer is, we were told that there are still those who are out in the field every day needing faster and easier access to their customer information.
We heard you, and we did something!
Our By the Numbers mobile site is up and running. We call it our sales pal because it is certainly something that will become a salesperson’s best friend!
The mobile site is an abbreviated version of By the Numbers, but contains all the important customer information, appointments, reminders, and job notes.
Imagine never having to wonder if a sales rep received a certain lead or job notes or appointment! Or imagine a sales rep never losing important appointment information again!
You’ve probably noticed that people do not lose their phones, right? Well, as long as your reps hang on to those, they will have ALL of their appointments, meetings and job related information readily available. They can even add new contacts and set new leads and appointments through this.
We all know that time management and organization are key to sales, You want to save time and keep your people organized? It has never been easier! Before going to sleep at night, they will click the little icon, and BOOM! the day will lie out before their very eyes!
Do mobile and desktop sync?
Yes, the desktop and mobile versions speak to each other. That means everything you put in through your smart device will show up in the desktop version, and all relevant information entered on your desktop will show up on your mobile version. That includes alerts that have been added to your calendars, as well.
Even better news….
****This is included for NO EXTRA charge for our current list of customers.****
But wait, we have not forgotten those of you with whom we have spoken or those who have already inquired about By The Numbers.
If you are receiving this email and are not a current subscriber of By The Numbers, you have until July 11, 2012, to sign up to have the BTN Mobile Site included as part of the regular package with no extra charge.
Enough said, now you can see with your own eyes how easy it is for the people out in the field to get the important information they need at any given time.
By The Numbers Mobile App Setup and Use