by Susan Raisanen | Apr 4, 2017 | Closing Ratios, Sales Lead Management
Best Key to Increase Closing Ratios The most often-asked question of us is how can I increase closing ratios. If you’d like to increase your closing ratio, the biggest hint for you is to focus on where you’ve made the best money before. How did you get those...
by Susan Raisanen | Mar 21, 2016 | Closing Ratios, Lead Management Software, Sales Lead Management
How Do I Increase Closing Ratios When I Don’t Have a Customer List? Fostering a relationship with your previous customers is the best way to increase closing ratios, but if you are new to sales and you don’t have an existing customer base, never fear!...
by Susan Raisanen | Mar 19, 2016 | Closing Ratios, Lead Management Software, Sales Lead Management, Sales Lead Tracking
The Best Way to Increase Closing Ratios is Available Within Your Customer Database! We’ve Been Tracking For Years. Closing Ratios For Sales to Previous Customers, Referrals and Self-Generated Leads Are More Than Twice as High as Any Other Leads. If you’re...
by Susan Raisanen | Sep 25, 2015 | Business Tips, Lead Management System, Sales Lead Management, Sales Lead Tracking Software
“My phones stopped ringing! Leads aren’t coming in!” ***If you don’t read anything else, read the P.S. at the bottom! Best hint!*** In many businesses there are periods of busy times and periods of slow times. Fortunately, even though the...
by Susan Raisanen | Sep 22, 2015 | Lead Management Software, Lead Management System, Lead Tracking, Sales Lead Management, Tracking Leads
A Simple Way to Increase Sales! It Could Have Been So Easy… Are you looking to increase your personal sales? Company sales? Here’s an easy tip that is so obvious and easy to put into action, yet so many fail to do it! Depending on the ticket price of...
by Susan Raisanen | Oct 25, 2014 | Lead Tracking System, Lead, Sales, Marketing Tracking Software, Sales Lead Management
What difference can a lead tracking system make for your company? A lead tracking system can make a huge difference in the profitability of your company, as long as: it includes the data and metrics you need you take action based on that data It’s just like...