I have volunteered as a judge for several years at the annual AzSEF (Arizona Science and Engineering Fair). Not only is it a way for me to keep in touch with my passion and background in education while providing a service to the community, but it also allows me to see some excited and really brilliant minds at work. There were 1124 students and 896 projects there from all around Arizona.
Seeing the “Up-and-Coming-Adults” at the fair is really neat. As I looked over some of the projects, it was almost as though the writing was on the wall, and I got a pretty good glimpse of what types of careers some of these students will pursue. It’s really fun to see how intense some of their research was, the close attention they paid to detail, and the inquisitiveness of their minds. This is really refreshing and inspiring, and gives a lot of hope for the upcoming generation. It’s fun to be in the company of bright minds.
For my Arizona friends, if you have a background in education or a career in technology, engineering or the sciences, this might be of interest to you. Google it and sign up for next April.