Be Happy at Work

You can Decide to Be Happy at Work This seems to be a little off the track of tracking systems, but really it is not. Your mind and your attitude have a direct impact on the results of your efforts, and it is quite easy to see when a person is on track or not by the...

Following Up On Past Sales

Money-Making Tip Do You Follow Up On Past Sales? If you do this, you will eventually start to see results. I promise! Last week a sales rep from a remodeling company was telling how he was making phone calls to previous customers from a year ago. His calendar is set...

Increase Closing Ratio

Best Key to Increase Closing Ratios The most often-asked question of us is how can I increase closing ratios. If you’d like to increase your closing ratio, the biggest hint for you is to focus on where you’ve made the best money before. How did you get those...

Uncomfortable Situations at Work

Be Ready for These Uncomfortable Situations at Work You’ll face some awkward moments in your career, but your success depends on your ability to overcome your weaknesses. Be prepared for uncomfortable moments like these: • Accepting a compliment. Criticism is hard to...

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